How does it work?

Understanding the Theory Behind DefineMAX

The Problem: Modern Jaw Issues

 In recent years, there’s been a growing concern about jaw-related health issues. The book Jaws: The Story of a Hidden Epidemic by Sandra Kahn and Paul R. Ehrlich provides an in-depth exploration of how modern lifestyles have contributed to a rise in jaw problems. These issues are primarily rooted in cultural shifts that have led to poor oral posture, insufficient chewing, and mouth breathing.

The Evolutionary Perspective

Historically, our ancestors had strong, well-developed jaws due to their diet and lifestyle. They consumed tougher foods that required extensive chewing, which in turn helped develop their jaw muscles and proper facial structure. Additionally, they predominantly breathed through their noses, which supported healthy jaw and facial development.

 The Modern Lifestyle Impact

 Today’s diet and habits have drastically changed:

 • Soft Foods: Modern diets often consist of soft, processed foods that require minimal chewing. This leads to underdeveloped jaw muscles and crowded, misaligned teeth.
Mouth Breathing: Increased instances of allergies and indoor living conditions promote mouth breathing, which negatively impacts facial structure and jaw alignment.
Poor Oral Posture: Many people are unaware of the importance of proper oral posture (keeping teeth lightly touching and the tongue resting on the roof of the mouth) in maintaining healthy jaw development.

 How DefineMAX Helps

DefineMAX is designed to counteract these modern issues by promoting healthy jaw exercise:

 • Strengthens Jaw Muscles: Regular use of DefineMAX encourages vigorous chewing, similar to the action required by our ancestors, which strengthens the jaw muscles.
Improves Facial Structure: The chewing action promotes proper oral posture, which aids in aligning the teeth and improving overall facial structure.
Encourages Nose Breathing: Using DefineMAX helps develop the habit of nose breathing, which is essential for optimal jaw and facial health.

Benefits You Can Expect

Using DefineMAX consistently can lead to significant improvements:

 • Stronger Jaw and Relaxed Face: The repetitive chewing motion strengthens the jaw muscles and helps in relaxing facial tension.
Defined Jawline and Firm Skin: Enhanced muscle tone and improved posture contribute to a more defined jawline and firmer skin.
Sculpted Face and Reduced Double Chin: Regular use can sculpt the facial structure and reduce the appearance of a double chin.

Scientific Backing

Our approach is backed by the findings discussed in Jaws: The Story of a Hidden Epidemic. This comprehensive work delves into the cultural and evolutionary factors contributing to modern jaw issues and highlights the importance of reverting to natural, rigorous jaw exercises for better oral and facial health.

By integrating these principles into our product design, DefineMAX aims to provide a practical solution to enhance jaw definition and overall facial aesthetics.